Non-NHS work

Please note that we do not write supporting letters for housing matters. The local authority (the Council) must request any information directly.

We complete various medical reports including but not limited to insurance, occupational, disability and housing reports.

We aim to complete all reports within 2 weeks from the date of receipt. For all enquiries please contact us.

If the report does not form part of the NHS services a charge may apply. Where possible, we base our fee’s in line with the British Medical Associate (BMA) Guidance which is issued yearly.

Please read our guidance on letters and reports before you book an appointment.


Private medical certificate/sick note – (within first 7 days of illness) – £20.00

Fitness to fly certificate – £30.00

Fitness to travel certificate – £30.00

Fitness for exercise/gym – £30.00

Fitness for any other activity (e.g. mountain trek) – £30.00

Insurance and others

Life insurance report (patient not examined, paid for by insurance company) – £104.00

Supplementary insurance reports (request for additional information) – £27.00

Compensation claim (CICA) Reports (on their form) – £39.00

Private health questionnaire – £30.00

Holiday cancellation/accident/sickness insurance forms – £45.00


Simple letter (statement of fact, to whom it may concern or fitness) – £30.00

Detailed letter – usually requested by company/solicitor
(e.g.job related, occupational health, asking about prognosis etc) – £80.00

Adoption and fostering

Form AH (adult health report for new carer) – £73.86

Form AH2 (updated adult health report, patient/carer) – £24.36

Child-minder health form (ofsted health declaration) – £56.25

Access to records under GDPR

Copy of records: computerised only (encrypted NHS email if there is no other option) – free

Patient to view records at the practice – free

Copy of paper records – free

Combination of paper and computer records – free


Hepatitis B: single shot for travel (not combined Hep A-Hep B vaccine which is free on NHS) – £30.00

Meningitis ACWY – £20.00

Yellow fever – £65.00

Paternity testing

For making the arrangements and to take a sample (e.g. DNA saliva swab test, hair sample) – £40.00


DVLA questionnaire (no examination) – £40.00

DVLA questionnaire (with examination) – £85.00

TFL – London taxi and private hire questionnaire – £100.00

TFL – additional Information form – £50.00

PCV/LGV driver – £100.00

Disability & benefits

Blue badge report only – £25.25

PIP – (DWP personal independence payment) – £33.50

Jobcentre – employment and support allowance (ESA113) – free

Universal credit questionnaire – free

Jobcentre – capability for work questionnaire – free

If not listed above

Any other report requested (per page) – £30.00