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Information sharing/summary care record

We may need to share your medical information with other organisations involved in the delivery of your care e.g. podiatry or district nursing. We will not share identifiable information with anyone that isn’t involved in your care, unless legally required to.

Summary care records

A summary care record is an electronic record containing key health information, which can be made available to NHS healthcare staff caring for you in an emergency or when your GP practice is closed. If you haven’t already made your choice, please make it now.

Yes I would like a summary care record

You do not need to do anything and a summary care record will be made for you.

No I do not want a summary care record

There are two ways to opt out from the summary care record:

Your existing health record at your GP practice will continue to be used as it is now.

If you are still unsure

Please ask reception if you are still unsure about the summary care record. You can also visit the website at